Saturday, November 12, 2011

Examples of the Juche Idea

The Juche Idea is parallel to the conditions of the people along the 38th parallel of north California.
Life in the ghetto is extremely violent because capitalist doctrine inspires desperate people to seek vices for personal pleasure instead of collective cooperation for a better community. 
Psychological collapse and insanity result in hundreds of murders every year here in the San Pablo Bay, a region known by some people as the "Valley of Bones".
The following is from [] and is edited slightly for grammatical syntax:
Onegen, who had received typical noble education after his birth in an aristocratic family, had idled away valuable youth period pursuing a hedonist life in society. 
He felt tedious of the sociable life of hedonism and tried to lead another life but it was too late.  
Living in agony, melancholy and tedium, he went as far as to kill his friend, Lensky in a dual over trifle things. 
This kind of life has nothing to with the life of man, the social being that keeps independence as life and soul.  The being like Onegen is useless for society as he led only physical life. 
Onegen had led dirty life without doing good things for the society and the collective apart from society.
How can he be called a social being? 
Although he is alive, if he loses socio-political integrity, he is like a dead man.
Herein lies one of the reasons why the socio-political integrity is more valuable than physical life.
It is also because the socio-political integrity is an eternal life. 
Man’ s physical life has limits. It is the law of nature that man dies. 
But man’ s socio-political integrity is eternal.  

Juche is an elevation of human thought so that beyond simple materialism, the Juche thought manifests as a reflection of spiritual values.
1990-10-25 "On having a correct viewpoint and understanding of the Juche philosophy" talk by Kim Jong Il to the Workers’ Party of Korea Central Committee Senior Officials:
At present bourgeois thinkers, revisionists and reformists are infusing people with spontaneity and the matter-first doctrine, considering all things and phenomena from the biological and evolutionary point of view and the vulgar materialistic viewpoint. In explaining and propagating the Juche philosophy, we ought to direct the spearhead of criticism to such a biological and vulgar materialistic outlook on the world. We must have a correct understanding of the law of the unity of opposites and the struggle between them.

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